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The do’s and don’ts of social media after an arrest

Facing criminal charges can lead to significant frustrations. Even if you are unfamiliar with the criminal legal process, you may already know that you will have several obstacles to overcome before your case is closed.

As you navigate this unfamiliar territory, you may start looking toward your friends and family for any support they can offer. While getting help from your loved ones can be critical, you should be cautious about using social media after your arrest.

Social media forensics is an essential part of a criminal investigation. Here are a few guidelines on how to handle social media after an arrest.

Don’t: Post on social media

Regardless of your social media activity before your arrest, now is a time to take a break from posting. In addition to not posting about your arrest, you also should avoid posting at all.

It does not matter what privacy settings you have on your account; anything you post on social media could introduce an issue that could work against you.

Do: Tell your friends you are taking a break from social media

You never know when a friend will tag you in a post or at a specific location. While your charges are pending, it is safer to assume you should avoid any mentions or posts on social media. When you let your friends and family know you are taking a break, you can mention that you do not want them to tag you in posts or locations while your case is pending.

Don’t: Delete your account

While it may seem like deleting your accounts is a logical solution since you should avoid posting while your case is pending, deleting the account can lead to other problems.

Information on your social media account may already be part of the investigation against you. If you delete your accounts, you could face additional charges. You should also remember that even if you delete the information, it is often still accessible.

Do: Talk to a skilled legal professional

Facing criminal charges can seriously impact your life and your future. There can be a long list of mistakes that could create challenges in your case.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you understand the charges against you and the best strategy for moving forward.

jack t randall

Written By Jack T. Randall


As lifelong resident of Western Tidewater, Jack Randall is a local attorney who wants the best results for his clients. He is an experienced and aggressive attorney with focus on family law, criminal and traffic law, as well as personal injury law cases.